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R package with useful functions for Gitlab R package project CI.


You can install the package with either:

  • the latest version from Gitlab like so:

      repo = "urep/dev_utils/r_utils/citoolsr",
      host = "")

    WARNING: If the project is not public this not work. In this case it is required to use a token to gain access to the repository!

    In this case use this instead:

    # Token with read_api
    gitlabProjectAccessToken <- "YourGitlabTokenHere"
    devtools::install_gitlab(repo = "urep/dev_utils/r_utils/citoolsr",
                             host = "",
                             auth_token = gitlabProjectAccessToken)
  • a built released version like so:

    1. Download from this project package registry

    2. Run one of these:

      ``` r pathToDownloadedFile <- “…” # For a source package utils::install.packages(pkgs = pathToDownloadedFile, repos = NULL, type = “source”) # For a linux binary package utils::install.packages(pkgs = pathToDownloadedFile, repos = NULL, type = “binary”) # For a Windows binary package utils::install.packages(pkgs = pathToDownloadedFile, repos = NULL, type = “win.binary”)

  • the development version from local sources like so:

    # Not a real install, must be redone after each local modification
  • the development version from local sources like so:



A complete documentation can be found here.


File devCommands.R contains R functions and instructions useful during development.

File newProjectCommands.R contains instructions and R calls used for the first project configuration.

The Rd files generated by the devtools::document() function must be versioned with git. This is required to provide access to documentation for the installation from Gitlab (use of devtools::install_gitlab).


See “Prerequisites” from file newProjectCommands.R.